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Tippmann Cheap Heavy Bolt?

Airsoft_Mr B
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Hey all,


First off, would anyone be willing and able to weigh their stock Tippy bolt for me? 


Should be getting a Tippmann this weekend and I've seen a listing for heavy bolts on eBay for £14 each. 

Apparently they are CNC'd steel, weighing between 270-330g. Is it just me or does that variance between them seem quite high (like could be as much 20%) 


I would like to know the actual difference this has over the one out of the box, and whether it could actually have a tangible effect.

Also pretty crucially, what's the driving factor behind the price of the Incentive Designs one being £79 if this guy can sell them at £14 - cos I'd rather get the latter than shell out for one 5x the price.


Interested to get anyone's thoughts.

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This question raised its head on the hpa users group on Facebook. The unanimous response was do not buy it!

Due to the high variance in these and it's doubtful there would be any support if these mess up your Tippmann.


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48 minutes ago, sjhirst said:


This question raised its head on the hpa users group on Facebook. The unanimous response was do not buy it!

Due to the high variance in these and it's doubtful there would be any support if these mess up your Tippmann.



thanks for your advice. I'll take a further look on the facebook group. B)

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No probs, I can't remember if it was a general hpa users page or the Tippmann one! (it was a while back as I saw them on ebay aswell)I don't have a Tippmann anymore so not part of the group.

(though i am sorely tempted to re-purchase one lol)


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