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G&G gr16 m4 sportline

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  Alex Gale said:
You can can get a RIS with that but you'd probably have to house the battery in a PEQ box or something as there will be less room


what about rewiring to the stock, is that possible or not a good idea?


  Cam-the-airsoft-sniper said:
Yes but a decent RIS system can cost £150+


what would be a good rail that will fit, i cant seem to find one

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have a look: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info...roducts_id=6076 or http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info...roducts_id=5775 you can also buy rails that will fit on the handguard: http://www.novatcombat.com/product_detail.php?id=52 (thats what im doing)


hope this helped

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