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Jack nozzle sticking

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Hello all,

I am still not ready to reveal my latest project, but it clearly involves the Polarstar Jack. Now I am having some issues with it - mainly my trigger board randomly exploding, but my current issue is with the nozzle. When I fire, about every 4/5 shots only extends the nozzle about 1/2 way before retracting it. Then, on the 1/5 that does fully extend, the nozzle sticks open about ever fourth shot. I have to either manually press the nozzle back in (not doable when the gun isnt in pieces like it currently is) or disconnect my line, as the Jack will continuously bleed air otherwise. This only happens when the trigger is pulled - there is no leak within the Jack itself. I have opened the Jack, lubricated everything, and reassembled it. No effect. The nozzle isnt blocked by the feed tube or anything as well. No dirt or anything has entered the unit - its basically brand new. Any suggestions?


I have seen and tried the suggestions here: http://www.pstartalk.com/archive/index.php/t-84.html


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Have you tried resetting the FCU then turning it back on and setting it to the F1 mode?


When I took my Jacked MP5 out from storage I accidently put it into FE mode and wondered why the gun wasn't shooting. Put it into F1 and was like doh!

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Have you tried resetting the FCU then turning it back on and setting it to the F1 mode?


When I took my Jacked MP5 out from storage I accidently put it into FE mode and wondered why the gun wasn't shooting. Put it into F1 and was like doh!


Yep, it is in F1 mode. Ive read all I can online about this thing, and I really want to get it working. I have also reset it multiple times. Im getting my tanks filled today - Ill reassemble it, and if the problem still exists ill post a video of it.

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When I had an issue I emailed polarstar and they were super helpful so I'd highly recommend dropping them a quick message.


(Also could it be a damaged seal? Some can have teeny weeny nicks in which are pretty hard to spot unless you flex the seal)

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The problem seems to have resolved itself for now.

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