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HPA Pistol Mancraft vs CQB Russian

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I'm interested into using HPA for my TM pistols for consistent (safe) FPS


TL:DR whats better Mancraft or CQB Russian systems?


As we all know when you fill a mag up with Green Gas (Propane) and shoot, as each shot is fired two things happen. One, for every shot fired there is less propane pressure for the next shot meaning shot 1 will be at an FPS of say 300 and shot 25 at 270FPS. Two, each shot fired means a rapid expansion of propane gases which in turn cools the mags down meaning they get colder.


With the above in mind this means that for every shot not only do you lose pressure because a shot has been fired, but that pressure drops also because the mag containing the propane is getting colder per shot.


Now the above didn't bother me as i always ran my TM Beretta M9 in stock so plastic slide etc and this ran fine in all seasons, however i recently acquired a TM Glock 22 and converted it into a Glock 34 using a GunsModify Salient Arms Aluminium Slide which is alot heavier. Indoors this pistol ran perfectly fine from shot 1 (315FPS) to shot 25 (270FPS) though there was a dip in FPS consistency and in the last few shots i can feel the slide struggling to cycle. Last Sunday i went skirmishing, morning temps was around -4C, the G34 straight up suffered cycling issues around 10 rounds in and I vented a TM mag for the first time ever.


Due to cold weather issues (and the UK has plenty), the unreliability of propane (compared to HPA), the cost effectiveness of HPA compared to propane and the fact that i am a stickler for consistency both from shot to shot and from first shot to last shot i want to move over to using HPA.


Now bare in mind i already have a Polarstar System i have already have a 12ltr 300bar scuba tank fill station and i intend on getting a 13ci tank in the future to power it.


I have looked around and seen i have two options, one is to go for Mancrafts Pistol Lanyard and the other is to use the CQB Russian valves. So far my reasearch has pulled the following:



Lanyard looks like a Lanyard

Lanyard is coiled

Cost of various items individually is cheaper

Purpose built for pistols

QD Connector is smaller therefore more compact



Uses a different QD Connector

I think uses 4mm Macro lines

Long lead times for dispatch

Needs an adapter for standard HPA regulators


CQB Russian


Uses standard HPA QD Connectors

Can use standard HPA Regulators

Proven track record



Standard HPA line might be heavy

When disconnected, valves dont shut off mag therefore heavy loss of air

Some have said the valves are brittle


I have weighed the pros and cons of each one but before i buy i thought i would ask the forums what they think?

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The Mancraft pistol lanyard is a more compact and complete system intended really for those wanting a secondary running off a second regulator in a pistol pouch (which the MARS should fit in). The only reason I'd consider the CQB Russian style of tap is if you already have a readily accessible regulator. Even then though, the benefit of having a small coil that retracts when not in use basically means you're not running a second hose as the regulator for your pistol can be placed so close to your pistol in the first place (and run off CO2).


If you're just weather-proofing a standard secondary then I'd say Mancraft. If you're frequently using a secondary (or even making it your primary) then the CQB Russian valves might be the way to go. Again though, you can always attach a MARS to your HPA tank anyway with little modification.

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The Mancraft pistol lanyard is a more compact and complete system intended really for those wanting a secondary running off a second regulator in a pistol pouch (which the MARS should fit in). The only reason I'd consider the CQB Russian style of tap is if you already have a readily accessible regulator. Even then though, the benefit of having a small coil that retracts when not in use basically means you're not running a second hose as the regulator for your pistol can be placed so close to your pistol in the first place (and run off CO2).


If you're just weather-proofing a standard secondary then I'd say Mancraft. If you're frequently using a secondary (or even making it your primary) then the CQB Russian valves might be the way to go. Again though, you can always attach a MARS to your HPA tank anyway with little modification.


thanks again bro :D


I think ill go with the mancraft kit as its a more compact system and i only in frequently make use of the pistol.

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Apologies for the slight subject deviation:


I love my GBB pistol with an HPA tap this time of year! (It will also do sweet mag dumps unlike the colder co2) However mag changes require a little extra faff which is fine but its made me wonder:


Has anyone tried charging their pistol mags with HPA using the CO2 Grenade chargers like the AG1 thunder grenade charger?

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that would utterly be a waste of time, air doesn't expand as well as green gas/CO2 so you'd get 1 shot possibly then lose 50% of the pressure

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or do you mean charging a gas mag with CO2? If so DON'T DO IT, even green gas can swell a magazine eg TM so 800psi from the CO2 would possibly have it explode in your hand!

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Lol! Heavens no to the co2.


But I see your point on the lack of air for consecutive shots.... Looks like I'm stuck with the hose :(


So does that mean I'd get a moscart to work with air or would it be pants as well?

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Try it, but don't see the point, I run shower shells with CO2 and 100+ BBs with 800psi behind them is something to behold! :D (some shells will not take CO2 btw so only try if you know they will.

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I think the Madbull shower shells are the only ones that are man enough for CO2 and even they will pop the valve/o-rings after a couple of shots so will require a full strip down and service after every gameday.

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