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"Yong Heng" Compressor

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Just thought I would put this here in case anyone is wondering the same thing.


So I've been using my Tippmann for a few months now and I have been hand pumping the tank every time I wanted to play. I've been eyeing up these "cheap" Chinese compressors for a while now on alibaba. Decided to take the plunge and buy one that has received many good reviews called "Yong Heng". Just got it today and filled it up with 10w40 semi-synth oil and put it to work straight away. Works a treat and it took a matter of minutes to get it from 1000psi - 2700psi. I will keep this thread updated if something goes awry, but so far so good.


And here is a video of the compressor in action. (Apologies for vertical video!)



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There are many things I'm happy to buy off AliExpress, Alibaba or DHGate, but a compressor that needs to be trusted not to get any dirt or oil into my tank (for fear of damaging it or exploding is not one of them).


I see there's a basic moisture filter inline there that should solve most of that, but I'd really not be happy with running it so close to any petroleum derivative. I'm guessing there's no electric option at that price point?


pls don't kill yourself.

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