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Goggles a go go

Nicky blue eyes
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Hi all just wondering what sort of specifcations do i need for goggles. Looking at videos on youtube i can see a lot of variation, i.e. some people wearing sports like glasses and some with goggles. What i mean also is can i come with a pair of safty gogs from screwfix or is it best to get millitary grade. Also are chinese manufactured goggles less reliable. Only reason i threw that last one is because on ebay there are desert locust goggles for £ 15 made in china yet on a surplus site they're going for just over 50 quid. On a side note i really don't fancy useing the mesh ones. I know people swear by them but thats just me. Cheers in advance

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Chinese copies also don't necessarily go through the testing required to actually have that mark.


If something can be bought for £50 second hand from the MOD and someone in china is making it for £15 then which one would you fancy trusting your only pair of eyes to?

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