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Krytak CRB

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Anyone know where I can get the Krytac stock and the rail (handguard piece)? Looked everywhere on the internet and can't seem to find anywhere that sells them!

Are you now asking for advice on where to buy parts so you can replace the painted parts on a two tone?

Sorry to break it to you but manufacturing a rif is still illegal.🙄


Do you honestly believe people on here are that stupid? Josh95 might be but the rest of aren't.

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Yes! That's exactly what I'm doing! Considering the BARREL and RECEIVER are what are being painted? Honestly, you and your assumptions.


Are you now asking for advice on where to buy parts so you can replace the painted parts on a two tone?
Sorry to break it to you but manufacturing a rif is still illegal.

Do you honestly believe people on here are that stupid? Josh95 might be but the rest of aren't.

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Further note, if I was going to do that, why would I go to the effort of buying new parts? I'd just buy some acetone or re-spray it myself.

Are you now asking for advice on where to buy parts so you can replace the painted parts on a two tone?
Sorry to break it to you but manufacturing a rif is still illegal.

Do you honestly believe people on here are that stupid? Josh95 might be but the rest of aren't.

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Its not an assumption its basic logic, you were given this bad advice on your other thread;


"buy a two tone and change out the painted parts.... :)

m4's normally have the hand guard and stock painted....very easy/cheap to buy new ones (black)"


Now you start this thread, no one needs to be Sherlock Holmes to figure it out.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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