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Bolle Tracker II Goggles (prescription)

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Bolle Tracker II Goggles:

Use: Goggles with Inserts

Key features: EN166 B Rated glasses with strap that make them goggles

Build Quality: Very good

My opinion and overall comments: They are very light weight and a fantastic price, I have worn them indoors (I will update once skirmished) and there was no fogging when the strap was worn loosely (wearing them to tightly creates a little fog). They also came with RX inserts that I had glazed at specsavers (Hammersmith) for £39 so the whole set of prescription goggles cost under £60.



Overall rating:

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  • Root Admin

Thanks for the review. Hope they don't fog up on you.


Get some decent anti-fog before you go out. FogTech is good and can be bought in single-use wipes on eBay if you don't want to spend a load of money without trying it first.

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Hey Proffink,


I bought some catcrap on a recommendation that I need to use up first and I have heard revision wipes are great. I will invest in fog tech if the cat crap is well crap :)

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I have these too but haven't had the chance to get my prescription added to the inserts. But thanks for your review, it make's me more confident about my purchase!

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Thanks for the review. Hope they don't fog up on you.


Get some decent anti-fog before you go out. FogTech is good and can be bought in single-use wipes on eBay if you don't want to spend a load of money without trying it first.


Have you tried their spray? This prose implies you might have.

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I have these too but haven't had the chance to get my prescription added to the inserts. But thanks for your review, it make's me more confident about my purchase!

It took about a week for specsavers to do mine it was quite low fuss I just went in with the insert, but there are other places that may do it cheaper.

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It took about a week for specsavers to do mine it was quite low fuss I just went in with the insert, but there are other places that may do it cheaper.

I usually get my Specs from them, but due to my prescription it'll cost me a bit more. Well worth it though as you only get one pair of eyes!! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update on this used the goggles and while being ckear was better that a mesh glasses combo they required a lot of cat crap throughout the day to not fog.

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