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Sights and attachments?

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Sorry if this has been covered, but searching on a tablet does not always work.


Any recommendations for best place to buy sights, scopes and other attachments from? I understand Asia is best for smaller and lighter items?


After an Acog style sight with the basic 4x magnification. Seen a few with hollow sight mounted on top for close range.

Also maybe a few upgrade bits for my stark arms glock 17 and spare m4 mags (mid caps) as well as spare glock mag?



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I have an ASG Acog X4 for sale bud. Iv also got a RMR mini red dot that could be mounted on top with the correct mount/attachment. Pm me if you are interested? I'll send pics etc :)

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Anyone have recommendations on best places to get sights and attachments (Front grips etc.)??

Also recommended brands for sights?

Wanted an ACOG 4x32, but the decent ones all seem quite expensive, so might have to settle for a 552 for now.

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Yeah, been looking through that. Already conclude not really worth buying RIF's from overseas due to high shipping and potential import duty.

Found EBairsoft to have a good selection of attachments, grips etc with free shipping, but reviews not to great.

Any recommendations on sites for buying holo / acog sights and grip attachments be great though.

Will continue to work my way through the "places to buy" threads.

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