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Paul 8v
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I'm looking to get some goggles from ebay but I've no way of knowing whether they conform to saftey standards and if I'll be able to use them on site, would something like this


be acceptable? It says they're for airsoft but no mention of saftey standards





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Thanks guys, can you reccomend any goggles that will suit a USMC Force Recon Loadout (As I've recently aquired some Marpat cheap :-) ) I don't want to spend loads and loads on them, will the Viper ones do for example?

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I have the chinese bolle x800's. Had a fair few goggle shots at ground zero urban from about 5meters and they are fine, no cracks nothing. They don't fog up as they have a small air gap all the way round, all in all a good buy (but then I went and bought some mesh ones, as I do tend to overheat as I am a rather "big" gent.


Whatever you do get, make sure it has a head strap, as you do not want the safety glasses falling off mid game

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I have Bolle Trackers to go with my Woodland loadout, they're comfortable but I still feel somewhat vulnerable. I plan to get a lower face mesh mask that meets the bottom of the glasses so I'm covered from chin to brow.

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