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Need some advice on new gun

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So i have an SRC g36c Gen 3... listened to bad advice and ended up with a mediocre gun.


Now, i'm here with a UKARA license and £300 to spend. I want an AEG that will be able to compete with pro guns at skirmish sites. I've shot my friend's ICS m4 which was only £15 more expensive but looks, and performs extremely better.


I'm looking at submachine guns, i've always been a fan of them. Firstly, the most important factor is that if they are noticeably worse than rifles in performance. I figured that they wouldn't be and that the model of a gun is purely cosmetic - it's all about the internals.


The guns i have been looking at are:





The aug looks appealing because it has, apparently, double the rate of fire.

The TM p90 has a dealbreakingly low magazine capacity.

I've read that the KA p90 feels too much like plastic and can ruin the gun.


Am i being silly? Should i just get something like this?:




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£300 ukara - sod it buy a load of 'em and always have a spare....

(story of my life)






those 3 should get ya free shipping about £225 in our local non greek currency

£75 on mags - sorted


ask for free downgrade (hopefully they remember)

as many are a bit hot out of box for our 330-350 sites


oh and your G36 - probably just needs a tweak/service

Gen 3 are better - the other Gen boxes are built like real $hite

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He said he wanted a decent quality gun, not 3 more guns worse than his G36 :)


That TM P90 looks like that comes with a low cap but TM do 300rd hi-caps, have 3 myself.


Out of everything you're looking at, I'd go for the High-Cycle AUG. I've got 2 TM HC and they kick ass. If you want the P90, again get the TM HC version, have it myself.

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He can't make up his mind but only has £300

(I used to indecisive - but knowadays I'm not so sure)


we all know as soon as you buy something, you think maybe ..........


£300 is £300 - if he had a grand then go for all of them mofo ones he listed instead of cyma's

but to say they are worse than his SRC - ouch that's harsh - lol


edit - wow this must be a really rare post that I never mentioned G&G in

damn it - I knew I couldn't supress it for too long....

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Hehe worse than SRC is indeed a bit harsh, perhaps 'equally crepe' is kinder, they're all in the same £100 budget league that we all usually point people to ICS or G&G to get the best of.


We'll get sponsorship one day, was also another post that i promoted TM HC in, my excuse is he brought it up :)


To the OP - As for them being submachine guns, you've picked ones that have full sized internals and they'll perform just as good as any rifle sized AEG, only diff is the barrels shorter. Stuff like MP7, UMP have smaller more bespoke internals and not quite same performance, more like super-pistols.


That ICS is quite good, for any ICS i'd get it from FireSupport as they've def got the best range of ICS, pretty much everything they ever made, including all the latest ranges that are a cut above

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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