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Do you think this mosfet is worth getting

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I'm planning to build a DMR soon but as I'm under 18 at my site DMRs have to be 360fps for me. So instead of having full auto I wanted a 3 round burst. Do you think this mosfet will be anygood.



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Long as you stay below 360 then that'll be fine

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Most sites have a semi auto only rule for DMRs.

Check that they will allow a three round burst ?


ETA if you are talking about AWA, they dont seem to recognise AEG DMRs as such and limit for all AEGs is 360fps, irrespective of age ? unless you have a special agreement with Curly and co ?

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it is Active Braking Mosfet but a highly respected one


non-active braking mosfet:




they can be a bit of a headache to get your head around at first but very clever bells n whistles

Both are fitted externally, so need a little room for instalation but can easily be removed for a basic mosfet


other more expensive mosfets like ACSU or others are more expensive and need to be installed internally in box

also in the case of ACSU's etc they are bespoke to a particular type of gearbox and can be more fiddly to fit inside "some" boxes than others

yeah try fitting a v3 acsu into a v2 box or vice versa or a L85 P90 box


So I don't think there is one be all n end all fet solutuion for everybody or every gun out there

you just gotta decide yourself what you want, the room for install and how much you can afford on bells n whistles

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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