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Upgrading Battery and Fixing stock


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A few months back I purchased a 'BULLDOG B500A1 ELECTRIC' I would like to upgrade the battery from a 7.4v, but am unsure what I should replace it with. Furthermore, the crane stock has become loose and I don't know how to tighten it.


Any help would be much appreciated.




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2 words sir.....




soz if that sounds harsh but it won't last - won't last very long if you increase voltage too much

it has a plastic - brittle plastic gearbox and youtube is full of them self destructing on 11.1v lipo's


so stick to 7.2v or 8.4v - or 7.4v lipo but that is it


the stock will probably have a phillips screw - remove back of stock

probably bast to slide the poor 416 style crane stock back and latch it further then it will slide off completely

down that tube will be a phillips screw to tighten the stock tube back on


refit once tightened etc....


that is presuming you got the crane 416 stock on that bulldog

(some 805's which that is rebadged have a fixed stock on them)


btw I bought that gun - its ok for plinking but wouldn't spend too much money n time on it

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Oh...I see all your guns are from JBBG

tbh with what you've spent on all those shit ones you could have saved and got something at least decently skirmishable


But anyway I didn't even know there were 7.4V NiMh batteries? I'm assuming they're not gonna include a LiPo in with it.

If you upgrade the battery to a 7.4V LiPo the gun probably won't be able to handle it because I think the gearbox will be all plastic.

So you will be running at potentially too high ROF / voltage for stock internals. Might strip the gears / piston? But idk much about internals in that respect. Changing to a LiPo would need another charger as well so around ~ £15+


And speaking of which you won't be able to upgrade it because LPEGs are not made to be compatible with normal airsoft bits.

Try to find another 7.4V NiMh if anything...batteries that come included with guns are always bad quality anyway no matter what the brand


In terms of tightening the buffer tube should just be screwing the castle nut tight again? Or take it off put it back on to make sure it's in right sort of thing. I guess you do mean the buffer tube and not the stock itself which is wobbly?

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its 7.2v old skool he has probably got in there - a lipo could be worth looking at

7.4v lipo or 8,4v - not 9.6v ffs


Yeah I noticed his guns were mainly plinkers but they might be fine to do plinking with

and I don't wanna be too harsh on OP coz I made same mistakes like many at first


yes I thought could of got a nice starter ?&? M4 - trying to reduce my usual same ol' same ol' replies

but if all he is doing is plinking then they are probably ok to mess about with

though if OP was gonna get into it more he really should look at going up a level

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Very true you are completely right there Duck.

I do hate it when everyone leaves just negative comments about the guns and need to stop doing that myself. Isn't going to give a good impression especially as airsoft is supposed to be so inclusive and welcoming, and criticising his choices won't do owt but make em think we're all elitist dickheads

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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