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The day of the jackle


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After watching the original i was hooked on the story and being the person who hides in the bushes and fires once i wanted to recreate the weaponed in airsoft realizing soon into my research that it was impractical and probably unsuitable. However due to my stubern nature and two points i did not give up the first being if you are spotted its end of the line and that the removable stock means it will fit in my rather small car better than a vsr 10 or the L96 so my question is as most bolt action riffles in airsoft are based on our designed to be copied in plastic so the barrel is often thicker to compensate what i require is a sturdy mechanism and barrel with an easily removed stock to provide a base to my project also i require a weaponed that's cheap but delivers serious power but will not need upgrades our a vsr that's cheap and offers the jg bar 10's upgrade paths and like its film counterpart needs to be thin light weight and reliable.A last addition is this is to be used in airsoft and will be required to fire .2 bbs at a range of 70+ meters and will require a scope.

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Trying to decipher this, but it seems like you want something that's impossible to make. Only a few airsoft sniper rifles are decent without upgrades, and none of them could hit targets accurately at 70m.

Trying to make an airsoft rifle like the .22 in The Day of the Jackal would be extremely difficult- or nigh on impossible.


Here's a photo for anyone who doesn't know what the TDOTJ rifle is:



There are some cheaper rifles like the A&K SVD and M24 which are decent out of the box and can be made even better with only a few upgrades, but it would take serious modding, upgrading and tuning for that level of performance.

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Meh, you could try fabricating something like that from scratch I suppose. Looks a bit like an oversized pen gun. Wouldn't be able to be very accurate I don't think. having to jerk the bolt loose instead of pulling a trigger would take you right off target.

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You could maybe do some sort of gas rifle with a basic hop. Gas chamber could be in the stock. Would be single shot and a bit crap though, also quite expensive as everything would need to custom made. Seems a bit pointless unless you got 5 grand to chuck at an engineering company.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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