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G&G mp5 a4 full auto


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Hi all,

I'm new to messing with rifles so bare with me. Went out skirmishing today all going well until suddenly it went full auto even when my finger was off the trigger and the gun was on safe. Anyone know what the problem is?


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Could be the spring came of the trigger (happened to mine) the spring pulls the trigger contacts back when you let of the trigger

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trigger - well actually switch problems really


or you pulled the trigger really hard and the contacts were tight it keeps it there - even if switch spring all ok

had this happen just recently - usually if this happens though a rapid flick of trigger and she should release/fly back.......

if you know your gun you can feel it - pulling the trigger just don't feel the same


if it don't fly back when you flick or keep flicking trigger then spring came off/broke like n1ckh said - it is just staying there stuck on

again the trigger will be lighter coz it hasn't the little extra tension from the switch's release spring so to speak


if you can get to realease the switch and see if she fires again

it is gonna be switch related probably and may need to open up box to fix if it persists

(you may get by by not pulling trigger too hard and ramming the plunger part of switch right into contacts

or if spring is broke then you gotta open her up I'm afraid)


if when the switch "pops" on semi then trigger is dead that could be the stop pin - but your problem is sticking on full auto

numerous other problems also happen with cut off/selector - yeah it is an antiquated poxy design but it does kinda work - usually


But yeah broke spring/came off, or sticky contacts on heavy full trigger pull are possible things to check

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Ok I'll have a proper check tomorrow, I may have pulled to hard. I came across a member of the other team suddenly and opened fire but when I released the trigger it's just kept firing. Now as soon as I connect the battery it fires by itself not even touching the trigger.

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I just had a quick flick of the trigger with no battery in (don't want to wake the house mates) and it springs back fine.

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you will have to check it with battery really unless you know the difference.....


there is a spring on trigger itself but also the spring n1ckh refers to is the tiny spring that pulls the plunger back from contacts

if it breaks you have a slightly reduced tension but still 85-90% resitance is from heavier trigger spring so you "may" not feel difference


if switch is sticking.... - full pull of trigger and then as it sticks you notice the trigger is just a tad lighter......

flick it and it pops back but you don't really hear it - just you can feel it ever so slightly lighter if you know ya gun


if switch spring has popped off or broke then there will be no change ever know matter how hard you flick trigger

coz switch won't come back and break circuit like it should coz no switch spring - trigger spring only applies to trigger

so it will always be stuck on & permanently firing.....


in any case - it is very likely - well almost deffo not gonna fix itself and need opening to sort it properly

(it could have been a "one off" sticky switch by pulling trigger really hard - had that once and gun didn't seem to do it ever again)

leave it for tonight - let everyone sleep and do some test later.....


if your gun needs a spring change/service blah blah blah then it can all be done when the switch problem fixed - nothing major

just a spring or adjust the contacts - depending on fault

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Stripped it as far as I could which was only taking out the motor as i didn't have a small enough Allen key to remove the selector switch. So put it back together and attached the battery went full auto then took it off again then back on and it's working again. I guess it's not a trigger problem as it wouldnt work at all. I could be wrong so let me know your thoughts. Cheers

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Stripped it as far as I could which was only taking out the motor as i didn't have a small enough Allen key to remove the selector switch. So put it back together and attached the battery went full auto then took it off again then back on and it's working again. I guess it's not a trigger problem as it wouldnt work at all. I could be wrong so let me know your thoughts. Cheers

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I don't know if you read this post of mine as it may be of help:




However this sounds mostly like a trigger contact issue, the spring everyone is talking about this one is the one shown in this picture: post-10238-0-45978900-1430184320_thumb.jpg


I think off the top of my head you will need a 1.5mm Hex key (see ebay) to remove the selector switch, be careful removing it though as underneth the left switch is a very small spring which you don't want to lose. Once you have removed this and the pistol grip, motor etc you can remove the gearbox.


To take apart the gearbox on G&Gs MP5 which is part of their TGM range, you will need to remove the pneumatic blowback tube on top. I used this video to help me take it apart:

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Hey, it's a 1.3 to remove the selector switch and the smallest one I have is a 1.5. Pretty sure I have a smaller one at my parents house so when I go back I will try to have a better look. Thanks for the information.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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