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Help with spring


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Hi all I am a new player and recently purchased a Cyma p817 (I like the springers) but the spring in it is so low powered I'm lucky to get 15ft and I have pulled it!!! If anyone knows of this handgun or can help point me in the right direction for a stronger replacement I would be really grateful!!!. Thanks in advance Steve

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It is too small to take an ordinary airsoft main spring. There is a 130% spring designed to upgrade the CM.030 Glock 18C AEP and other similar AEP's, but it is probably more expensive than you would want to spend on a springer pistol and i'm not 100% sure it would fit.


Your other problem is that the sear, the part which locks the spring back and moves to release it, will be made of pot metal at best and maybe plastic: it will fail quite quickly if you fit a more powerful spring to the gun.


Your best bet is to sack it and get an actual airsoft pistol, if a pistol is what you want. What do you use it for?

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If you really want a springer, then you should take a look at the Galaxy G26 (it's a Glock 26 copy, albeit made from metal). You can find them for for about 20 quid if you look around on the interweb. It shoots at about 250 fps, so it's not bad. I do actually have one and have had no issues with it at all and sometimes take it to skirmishes as a back up. Mag release could be better, but it works. Not sure if you can get spare mags for them, but for 20 quid I guess you could just buy another one for the mag, or dual wield them for comedy value lol


Since it is all metal, you can happily buy an orange two-toned one from anywhere you like and then spray it matt black with an aerosol. That's what i did with mine. Think I paid fifteen quid for mine if I remember rightly, so it's definitely a cheap solution even if it isn't the best thing in the world, although in fairness, it is actually pretty accurate for shooting.


Here is that very pistol, sprayed black:



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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