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WE MSK Hop-Up problems


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Hi All,

Just joined the forum so would like to say Hello to everyone.


Right, just bought the WE MSK GBB Rifle, Lovely looking rifle I may add but the only problem I am getting is that BB's are jamming in the barrel. No matter how I adjust the hop-up one will still jam and then miss fire, BB shooting every 2 shots etc etc, then I have to strip the rifle down and clear, painstaking to say the least, any idea's on what I am doing wrong guys? BB's I am using are the Bi-Degradeable 0.20g, Thanks for your time in reading,



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I take it you mean bb's are jamming in the hop rather than the actual barrel? Have you tried any other brand of bb's? Also would be worth cleaning the barrel, particularly if its a new gun, as they can sometimes have gunk in from manufacturing. If the bb's themselves aren't the culprit, and the barrel is clean it could be hop rubber isn't installed properly, if the gun is new I'd suggest taking it back to the retailer for them to check?

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Sorted the hop up, but I must be cursed, had my first airsoft day Saturday, was really looking forward to it, mate picked me up, we arrived and then it went wrong, wrong being the MSK Polymer Mag was venting gas at an unbelievable rate, had to borrow one of my mates rifles and put mine back in the car, gutted was an understatement. I will have to take the mag to an airsoft shop to be looked at, more than likely the O ring is buggered, oh well better luck next time, but loved the day, was a great day

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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