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First rifle, torn between two choices


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Hi all,


I've recently got into airsoft and am loving it, just got my UKARA and i've been looking into getting my own airsoft gun (i'm feeling very underpowered at the skirmish site im at - everybody seems to have a tonne more range and scopes in comparison to a very basic rental i use).

Now from what i've been researching so far has led me into looking at G&G combat machine. As i've been looking i've been trying to find the long versions as the majority of airsoft i will be doing is skirmishing

The 2 choices i have come across are:


G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider L DST




G&G Combat Machine CM16 R8-L DST


My problem im coming across is that these 2 guns seem very similar....i think they are exactly the same, although the R8-L has a scope included. I have done some research on the scope and peoples opinion on it and they seem to think it is a very basic scope and not neccessarily that great, however the rifle performs great.


On the other hand the CM16 Raider seems to get praised a lot, and is a cheaper price. Would it be a wise choice to go for the CM16 Raider and upgrade it to a scope (which is better than the stock scope for the R8-L) or go for the R8-L where i practically have everything out of the box (minus battery)

Unless i'm going down the completely wrong route here and there are some more suitable options?

Just another quick question regarding batteries, from what i presume, these rifles both take mini crane stock batteries, i understand with higher voltage= more wear on the rifle and can damage it. But from all the websites i've looked at nobody really recommends the best type of battery/voltage, so i've kind of hit a brick wall on that.


Thanks for your help!

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Internally those two should be identical, so I'd just go with whatever you like the look of more as they're both good guns.


For batteries I'd go with 7.4v LIPO's, you'll need to do a bit of research beforehand to learn how to use them safely (they catch fire/explode if charged/discharged incorrectly), but they'll have a better performance then NiMH's.


One of the best places for batteries and chargers is http://componentshop.co.uk/

I use this charger: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/accucel-6-digital-charger.html

Will charge almost all types of battery including LIPO and LIFE, this version requires a 12v car battery to power it, the slightly more expensive version comes with a mains adapter.

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  On 27/05/2014 at 09:53, smileym89 said:

Thanks for the response :)


Is there a scope off the top of your head that would be suitable for skirmish games? (low budget), and if i ever get into CQB games would just a red dot sight be appropriate?



In CQB, I just use iron sights, but a Red dot is always a good idea.

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A proper telescopic sight is only worth considering on a sniper rifle. In fact on an AEG a scope can be a big disadvantage, as it limits your field of vision quite considerably. For a standard AEG (and your choice of a G&G Combat Machine is a good one) either iron sights or a red dot are more than adequate for the distances over which you shoot. The type of scope shown on the picture in DX115Falcon's post is probably a good choice to use on the G&G rifle.

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Brilliant, thanks for your help everyone! i shall get on it now!
I think i will just go for the CM16 Raider L, save money on a scope i wont need :)

Also with regards the battery i have done some more research, am i right in thinking that an 8.4v NiMH battery will be suitable, i have seen that its useful for beginners but may not be as reliable as a LiPO battery. I think as im a beginner i'll stick with the NiMH battery and move on to one for advanced users later. However in the meanwhile is a 8.4v suitable or will i need to move up to a 9.6v battery (NiMH)? is it just rate of fire or is there more to it than that? i'm not bothered about losing rate of fire, i choose to conserve ammo and rarely go full auto on someone (unless they're not calling their hits)

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8.4v NiMH is fine but a 7.4v LIPO would be better, they're not difficult to use as long as you've done a bit of simple reading up beforehand and have a decent charger, they're perfectly safe as long as you follow some basic rules.

A 7.4v LIPO wont give you a crazy rate of fire but it will greatly improve trigger response (when the trigger is pulled, gun reacts more quickly) and you'll get a higher capacity for the size of battery.

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It 'should' be able to take almost any m4 style magazine, there will always be some exceptions but almost any of them will most likely work fine. The regular G&G hi-caps are good quality and reasonably priced, if you're after mid-caps though you'll most likely have to try another brand as the G&G ones seem to be a pain to get hold of.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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