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Looking for a Oakley Levins

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Hi guys,


I entered a trade deal with this guy on another forum and he backed out of the deal after i sent my M4 GBBR and i'm struggling to get any info with him. He recieved the M4 GBBR on the 31/08/10 and still has NOT sent it back, He even told me he'd sent it back on the 04/09/10 and didn't as he told me the following week that he couldn't afford too...


I just need someone to contact him if you know him and express to him i will be starting legal proceedings if i don't get my M4 back asap!!


Hope someone can help!!! BTW i use the name Fubar on the other site!!!


Best regards



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  • AF-UK Founding Member

What is his user name on the other forum? It might help a bit as in someone who only knows the online alias of him. Even an email address?


How far away does he live from you (go and get it back)? If you really want it back badly you can always send a courier to go and pick it up I'm sure.

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use his email adress or phone number in this http://pipl.com/

VERY good website, found loads of people on it, gives links to facebook and myspace things or anything else with that email adress or name or number attatched. If he isn't responding after the harrassing you COULD give from it, proceed with law suit. or even offer to pay teh P+P to get your gun back

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His user ID is Levins123 and he lives in Paignton and i live in Notts... But i am going that way in october!!!


He also owes me £14 for my postage costs and i have offered to waive that if he just sends the rifle back!!! But no response...


Just found his email address out, so i have sent him an email and i'm posting a snail mail letter tomorrow via a recorded delivery!!


I have also just sent an email to his local police station asking for some advise!!



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the other account on there says he is 15 - same person too.

he also looks like the kind of guy who is not going to return the item.


3 options now:

1. Let this little brat get away with it

2. harrass him a bit more and see what happens

3. Technically he has stolen your possesions. you know his name, where he lives, what he has stolen (which looks like a gun) get police involved in the matter.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

If he is under 18, then the police aren't exactly going to be too impressed with you sending it in the first place, unless you can prove that you were given false details which had actually checked out ie checking UKARA with a retailer.


That is even if the police want to get involved in the matter.

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He gave me a Ukara Membership number and said he was over 18 as he had bought his M4 AEG from a UK retailer!


But even if the police don't get involved i WILL get what i want back. I'm in Paignton next month and i'm going with all my Ex squaddie brothers!! He should hand it right over as i'm the only Calm one out of the 4 of us!!!


My brothers never need an excuse to beat the crap out of someone!!!



But i will try the police 1st though...


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I have every message and every message i have sent him!!


I found a lad who has a friend who knows him! He got him to talk last time!


Soon as this is resolved (one way or another) i'm gonna post all his details on all the forums! Just to warn others about him!!! That'll teach the Fecker!!



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He gave me a Ukara Membership number and said he was over 18 as he had bought his M4 AEG from a UK retailer!


But even if the police don't get involved i WILL get what i want back. I'm in Paignton next month and i'm going with all my Ex squaddie brothers!! He should hand it right over as i'm the only Calm one out of the 4 of us!!!


My brothers never need an excuse to beat the crap out of someone!!!



But i will try the police 1st though...



Yeah, that'll look on the news...


"Ex-army personnel assault 15 year old minor...."


Calm down.

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Without any notice what so ever from mr Oakley Levins, my agm M4 GBBR has turned up this morning!!!


WoooooHooooo :):)


It must of been the picture i sent him of me and my Brothers that got his arse in gear!!!


Many thanks for the Input guys and i'll be alot more careful in the future!!


Best regards to you all



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