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Denied access to windows profile....Help

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Attempting to log in to my profile on my laptop. I get a message saying i have been logged into a default profile and tells me to chexk my event log. Upon checking event log it says that i have been denied access but doesnt say why. Other accounts on laptop appear unaffected. Any help to fix will make you my best friend.

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In case you haven't restart your computer and try again to rule out the possibility of it just being a locked file causing the problem.



If that doesn't fix the issue and assuming you are using Windows Vista, 7 or 8 try the following link:


From where it says "How to Fix Windows 7 Temp Issue on Workgroup and Domain Environment"


I wouldn't bother following it past the end of step 2 though.


Before deleting/renaming the key as per the instructions, you should be able to tell it is the correct one because when you click on the folder and look at the pane on the right hand side you have a list of icons, the one that says "profileimagepath" should have your username for it's data column(e.g. c:\users\moose87)


That said it should be the only one with .bak at the end anyway, in case you aren't sure it is only the one "key"(it looks like a folder you are deleting/renaming. NOT the whole profile list key.) If in doubt just right click the profile list key and choose export, call it "profile list backup" and save it directly to the C drive from "save in" drop down at the top.


As an example here is my version, I would only want to be deleting/renaming the key that is highlighted towards the bottom left corner:



Let me know if that helps, or doesn't lol.

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Airsoft community to the rescue lol, I love seeing stuff like this happen.

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