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Just looked through Showcase 2 (192 on Sky) for the whole week and there's nothing unless it's part of Landscape Channel which I'm just googling.


Edit - Looks like we may have missed it


With the website here


It may may be a monthyl thing as the second episode was in December

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's ideal for noobs but more experienced players may find it boring until they start talking about more epic stuff. A review for a G&G combat machine just bored me (although it is actually a decent gun).

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Hi, I'm one of these Noob's that was referred to, I watched it last night, its on again tonight. As it was my first intro to the hobby I found it watchable. It gave a couple of reviews on weapons and 2 sites. Wrexham and Bristol.

Quite a bit of partial footage of skirmishes etc.

All in all it was ok

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