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Trojan olympus CQB site- manchester

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I hate giving a negative reviews as this is someone's job. This is my first time at this place so it could just be a one off.


I found the site quiet easy and arrived at 8:30, it's advertised it starts at 9. So I weren't impressed that at 9:45 the rental guns were only just being given out. But on the plus side we were given bacon butties while we waited.


The website advertises 9 playable levels so I was excited to try this place out. The first game started at 10 and was disappointed with the creativity of the game. Attackers have unlimited respawn and defenders get one life. That's it. Once that floor is clear the defenders move up to the next floor, bunk down and do it all again. The game got boring after 3 floors because there wasn't an objective to complete. This went on for about 3 hours.


We had a short game after this which was a virus game that spanned the 9 floors. I really enjoyed this game, it had an objective and could move around the site.


After this we had lunch which was hotdogs supplied by the site. This was another bonus as the website doesn't advertise any food supplied.


The next game was the same as the first but the team reversed. Same. Boring. Game.


My last game of the day had an objective. They're was also an additional team being added in the mix. This team would be 3 Marshall's from the site. They would be defending a bomb and the two teams would have to fight each other and also take the 3 defenders out. The team that can hold the bomb for 5 minutes would win. Easy enough rules I thought but after half an hour when no team had taken the bomb the Marshalls decided that the two teams would work together and capture the bomb. 18 people vs 3... No need to tell you the bomb was secured after 5 minutes. We held the bomb for 5 minutes and was confused why the game hadn't ended. After that the whole game became so confused I don't really know what happened. I was getting shot by my own players, other team, stabbed when I was dead in my own respawn and Marshalls not know what's going on. At one point one of the Marshall's who was on the bomb defending team was running round with a bfg shouting if you shoot him he'll drop the grenade and kill everyone. I seen him take about 6 shots and he still ran around with this bfg. That was the last straw for me, I went home.



The problem with the site is it seems the Marshall's make the rules up as they go along. There's a few floors that are pitch black. I always carry a loose torch to set on the floor or tables and light up the way without giving my possion totally away. At first the Marshall's didn't mind but when they realised how well it was working they stopped me doing it. Why? The talk about being realistic all the time but I can't set down a lit torch?


After I've thrown a bfg I would never get in the way of play to retrieve it. I'd wait until play has moved on or the game has finished. Well after a few hours of playing I threw a bfg (not my first time of the day) and the Marshall picked it up and told me I get one throw per floor. Never heard that rule before..


I also approached the Marshall's when we played the virus game. I said it'd be better if we all started with arm bands and when your infected you take it off. It makes it so easy to know who on your team. I was told friendly fire happens in real life and they're keeping realistic. Realistic? I'm not allowed to set my torch down!


Also we weren't allowed to shoot in the stairwell yet people could shoot you if they were standing outside the stairwell. You just had to take it without firing back?


The layout of the place is nice it just needs a few more Marshall's, more creative games and change some rules and stick to them. There's nothing more frustrating than being told one thing then to be told it's not allowed by a different Marshall.

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  • 1 year later...

I too have been to Olympus and found out it's like what you have said. What I have found out is on a weekday night they only do attack and defend and if you are on the defending team first you find out that the attackers are having a better night. When it's time to change roles people from the attacking team tend to leave. I also did the torch on a bunker trick and got my only torch took of me for a floor. When I was there last a team full of Marshalls and regulars was on one team this gave them a massive advantage. One more point that I didn't like was when we was attacking the floor was timed is this for the Marshalls or for the customers I couldn't tell. No wonder people there are talking about the hive and only go there for a shoot. Having said that it's got a lot of pros but the cons do outweigh.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

As a regular player at Trojan I my have I biased opinion. I player there every week if possible but no less than every two weeks. Due to work and family commitments I am only able to play evenings. I have no doubt that you experience some issues whilst playing there as I have seen them first hand for myself. But what I would say is that the owner Ben, is always keen to hear both positive and negative feed back about people's experience at Trojan. The site is usually dramatically changed every couple of months and is always tweaking each floor to make sure that the regulars don't go to the same old spots. There is always goin to be an advantage to the regular players that's unavoidable. It's a site where team work rules and a lone wolf is quickly captured and killed. If free roaming play is more your thing then he has recently brought back zombie night. I won't go into detail but play usually starts at 7.30 and runs till 11. No breaks, limited ammo, small teams, multiple objectives, always a great night had by all. Trust me you will run like a little girl when 20 zombies are chasing you through the mill in the pitch black, you the last one on your team that hasn't been infected and you only have 20 rounds left and one objective to find.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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