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Buy it or not... That is the question

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So I've found an amazing vest to match my Polish Armed Forces loadout, currently I have this C7qf8W.png (actual picture))


And so I wanted to ask for an opinion from some airsofters if switching from current would of be more "pleasant" into this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Polish-Army-BULLETPROOF-VEST-Camouflage-OLV-Military-Panzerweste-Paintball-ASG-/261320425313?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cd7e93f61


Personally I see that my loadout would of look more professional but question is... Is it worth it?

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Errr ma GAwD!!!


Seriously, that police vest looks pretty badass with dat groin guard. I would defo buy it, actually i might plan to now as my tactical vest.


But seriously, it does look badass as it covers the shoulder which makes it look awesome and looking at the back side is just.......... PHAAWRRR...... MANLY...


Get it if you want.


If you didn't want it, you wouldn't be posting this :D



*saving that ebay page into my favourites!*

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Well I do want something to fit my Wz.93 camo so my loadout looks complete but there is hard to choose to either stay with my current one or buy that one above OR even this one...



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Well I do want something to fit my Wz.93 camo so my loadout looks complete but there is hard to choose to either stay with my current one or buy that one above OR even this one...





Oh man, that does look really cool to my eyes, both of them do..... but the second one doesn't have that kevlar vest included in the picture, it says it at the bottom.


but If i had to choose...........i'd go for the second one because when you button it all up, the second one looks so much more dignified and neat.


Man, you have good tastes, imma buy it when I have ze moneyz.

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Between the two I'd see what each one is used for and then which one best suits your needs..


Loads of people go "OMG that looks cool" and get it just on looks without much thought to its usefulness and how it would actually be used.


I don't know anything about Polish gear so couldn't say so I'd point you towards my friend Google :D

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Between the two I'd see what each one is used for and then which one best suits your needs..


Loads of people go "OMG that looks cool" and get it just on looks without much thought to its usefulness and how it would actually be used.


I don't know anything about Polish gear so couldn't say so I'd point you towards my friend Google :D


Well me being Polish I know about their gear however thing is I am not aware of which one would of be better for airsoft out from these two.

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Probably the 2nd one? It looks a lot more practical, a lot more lightweight- and you won't be running round like some camo jedi with those hanging parts flapping around :D

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Between the two I'd see what each one is used for and then which one best suits your needs..


Loads of people go "OMG that looks cool" and get it just on looks without much thought to its usefulness and how it would actually be used.


I don't know anything about Polish gear so couldn't say so I'd point you towards my friend Google :D

Well to be fair, a lot about airsoft is based on looks...

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Well to be fair, a lot about airsoft is based on looks...


That is very true.. I kind of meant it within the realms of a themed loadout assuming OP wanted a Polish Army loadout. It depends if you are going Polish infantry or airbourne as it says the first is infantry but second is airbourne


looks wise I prefer the second one, especially as you could run the vest by itself or the body armour by itself.

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I think the first has more versatility, assuming you can take the groin protector and shoulder epaulettes off. Plus is has more ammo pouches. And it looks better. The 2nd one would be cool if it came with the bulletproof vest, but on its own it's more like a fishing jacket.


For that price it looks like a great deal too. I mean £50-ish, new looking and posted from Poland, yeah I'd buy it if I wanted a Wz.93 loadout. You would have to pay almost as much for the equivalent British vest in that condition here in the UK!

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The second one does come with the bullet proof vest bit it just says the kevlar filler (ie plates) are not included which it also says on the first one.

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Well after my long research it seems I will be buying the OLV vest.

OLV was and I believe is still in use by the Polish Armed Forces despite its heavy weight IRL and me not liking that groin protection happy news... Its removable :3


Thanks everyone for their input! Will buy it on next friday ;)

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