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football refereeing airsoft world

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Is there anywhere you could do airsoft on weekday evenings? Thats when I usually go due to my work.

I can drive but I decided to stop doing it a few years ago and bought a bicycle. Cycling to and from airsoft combines 2 sets of exercise but limits you to smallish guns. An MP5 with collapsible stock or similar will fit in a backpack. Bigger guns will require asking for lifts, but most airsofters are friendly and it should be easy to arrange.


I would suggest you give airsoft a go on your rare non refereeing days and see how you like it, then make up your own mind.

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No one can possibly give you the answer to this, the only person who can decide is you, you need to go and try Airsoft a couple of times to decide if you actually like it and in reality Airsoft doesn't have to be expensive, basic kit is easy to obtain and is cheap enough, you don't have to tacticool with all the bells and whistles from the start

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What Spatch said, you can get started in airsoft with decent reliable skirmish kit for less than £200, after that you only expenses will be game fees and ammo.


As for whether you should quit refereeing and start airsoft, wtf?! I don't think you should do either, bird watching, that's the hobby for you!

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