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ACU or BDU Trousers?

Airsoft_Mr B
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I've made a Gear Wanted post asking for A-TACS FG trousers, ACU or BDU I don't really mind, would be prepared to pay more for built-in kneepads version! I especially want them but they're £60 so I'm prepared to pay around £40 inc postage if anyone would want to sell them for that much. Alternatively an ordinary ACU or BDU pair would be great at ~£25-£30.



I'd rather wait give the thread a chance and see if I can save some money and get a good deal before I go spending £40 on new ones.

Also I saw these a while back and it's annoying they don't have a Medium set.

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I'll never waste another penny on Viper kit, it is utter crap.

I am a Helicon fan tho, great quality kit. Really durable and well thought out. I have a couple of pairs of UTP trollies which mean I don't need either pistol or aeg mag pouches as the trousers have pockets for 4 M4 mags and 2-4 pistol mags!

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