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Hello from Grimsby!

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I'm Dan, So I'm somewhat new to the airsoft scene. I'm a somewhat paintball intermediate however I stopped playing a few months ago as it was getting to the point where it was too expensive and university was more important. However I have always wanted to try airsofting so I started going to my local site with my friend (Spawnah) and really enjoyed it. Cheaper than paintball and way much more fun, plus some of the chaps at the arena are very friendly and very welcoming.


Just after Christmas I'm looking at getting my own gear (hopefully if I can afford it all and still have enough to live haha) and go frequently with my friend hoping to maybe in the future take this somewhere and play a bit more seriously or at different sites. (I really enjoy it).


Just thought I'd pop myself out there and say hello :lol:

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Welcome to the forums!


Any questions, have a look through the links in the thread here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/, if they're still not answered ask away, there'll nearly always be someone who can and will help.






  On 22/11/2013 at 22:59, MetalFoX said:

I'm Dan, So I'm somewhat new to the airsoft scene.


The way you worded this makes it look like you're new to airsoft because you're called Dan, as if no-one called Dan plays airsoft :P

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I think that, legally, Dans can only airsoft if they're painted bright orange.












Welcome to the forums, mate. I've been to Grimsby several times. Back in the 80's. It was grim. Hope it's better now :lol:

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welcome mate,


welcome to the site B)


dont just limit your self to arena (i admit i used to go alot, but now i dislike it due to spawn camping , the lack of barriers trying to get down the stairs from the top spawn, and none hit takers etc etc).


Linconshire Airsoft have some really good venues, really good games and great marshalling.

There is a site opening in barton soon, humberside airsoft i think its called.

Then there is my local just out side of hull (Slaughter House Skirmish)

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