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Any costume ideas for the halloween spooky special? ;D

Springview Airsoft
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rawshack ftw. try checking out morphsuits for ideas(green plastic army man is damm cool, and works for airsoft...) problem is getting the mask to work with your eye protection so maby check out what special airsoft masks are available etc? all depends on how far you want to go...

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rawshack ftw. try checking out morphsuits for ideas(green plastic army man is damm cool, and works for airsoft...) problem is getting the mask to work with your eye protection so maby check out what special airsoft masks are available etc? all depends on how far you want to go...


If you wear a Morphsuit for airsoft, don't expect to be able to hit anything, or see anything more than a foot away for that matter. Also, don't expect to be able to hold anything, you don't get any grip in them really.

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i can see fine through mine but if i was wearing shooting glasses above or below i wouldn't count on it. tis why id just cut eye holes... as for grip, gloves above it should surely work? (or again scissors come in handy...)

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why not get black tactical gear, a gas mask etc. and some red paint. Put on rubber gloves and get someone else to wear the gear and then think, where would the bloody hand prints go if I was a zombie trying to grab hold.

Maybe add some severed hands still grabbing you?

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