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magpul pts electric blowback

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I'll do a quick comparison to the Marui recoil shock series.



-Harder kick

-Can use AEG mags



-Fragile mag/bolt stopper design

-No blowback

-Sewing machine sound of normal AEGs

-Motor sounds like it's in pain(probably a combination of non neo motor+ higher fps spring and recoil weight)

-Hop is not as good as marui


IMHO.they are pretty decent guns,Internals are a bit average honestly,but pretty strong.Not a fan of KWA AEGs to be honest but this one looks good.


Also check out BOLT airsoft recoil series,a more affordable version of both the TM RS and the KWA ERG. The gen 2 versions seem good,but reliability is unknown at the time and the TREMORS style design is a bit worrying,no bolt stop either

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  On 23/09/2013 at 19:29, Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies said:

Also check out BOLT airsoft recoil series,a more affordable version of both the TM RS and the KWA ERG. The gen 2 versions seem good,but reliability is unknown at the time and the TREMORS style design is a bit worrying.

No bolt stop either :/

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  On 28/09/2013 at 09:33, chris555 said:

It might if i didnt have to buy all new m4 mags and batteries bolt is.only 320 pounds free delievery from greece so it is still on my list

THe socom takes normal style batteries. Buy the adapter and it can also take normal mags.

It'll be much better than a rifle from a pretty much non-existant brand and you would also have a decent warranty with it being a TM product bought over here compared to nothing with the Bolt from abroad.

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Don't bother with youtube reviews, they're pretty much all useless. I have a socom in my hands right now and it takes a normal battery in the handguard. The adapters are quite well known- wolfarmouries probably just want you to fork out for a set of expensive new mags

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