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Not an Airsofter but have guns

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Hi I have never been an Airsofter so I don't know much about the guns I have. I would like to sell them but have no idea as to there value. What I do know about these guns is as follows : they are all RIF one is an AEG the other two are spring action and one of these is a pistol.

The guns are as follows:

Pistol ASGK model75 cal9. para made by tokyo marui co ltd


Sniper Rifle??? Umarex G36 sniper cal. 6mm BB energy 0.5 j


M4 AEG unsure of maker has grenade launcher attached








Any help regarding this post would be greatly appreciated





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Can I ask how you obtained these guns without ever attending a skirmish?

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Possibly before vcra? It wasn't always a legal requirement to be a skirmisher

Granted, but best pose the question to the potential seller before going any further.

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On topic though, the pistol looks very much like a springer (e.g single action, needs to be recocked each shot) and so is more or less worthless, sorry.

The G36 is missing some or all of it's outer barrel, they're easy enough to pick up so providing it's in decent working condition (still fires etc) you're looking at an easy £150-180 for that.

Without more information on the manufacturer for the M4 it's impossible to say what it's worth, but it sure does look pretty!

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Why? Posession isn't a crime, neither is buying... the seller would have committed the offence had he got hold of these post-VCRA.

Just simply asking a reasonable question. Have not suggested that the guy has broken any laws or committed any offence.

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Thanks for the reply,s so far,

I got these off my brother before any laws came into effect and he'd bought about 18 or 20 so I recall I would probably

sell them as a Job lot there is a holster that comes with the pistol and two batteries and a charger for the AEG, how can I find out what make the AEG is can it be found inside the casing ?

Thanks once again for your reply,s






P.S I am familiar with the law regarding the sale of R.I.F,s so they would not be sold to non members or under 18

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Thanks for answering my question. Have you managed to pull any apart yet to find the manufacturer names? Some have their markings on the outside of the M4 receiver.

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The G36 is missing some or all of it's outer barrel, they're easy enough to pick up so providing it's in decent working condition (still fires etc) you're looking at an easy £150-180 for that.

thats a springer isnt it? or i thought thats what the OP said, as only the M4 is a AEG

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I haven't had a chance to pull anything apart yet but would it be unreasonable to sell the lot for £60 not even sure if the AEG is working tried charging a battery and put it in but nothing happened do these guns have a hidden on off switch or suffer from dodgy batterie what is the expected life span for a battery they probably haven't bee charged for a year

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