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Our first attempt at a night game.

I am currently writing the scenario and rules but please watch this space!

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The game is being held at IronSight in Andover Hampshire. IronSight


this will be my first go at a themed simulation type game. It wont be a zombie vs soldiers game. There will be far more to it than that with main objectives and mini objectives for the teams to complete.


I am currently working on the Scenario and each team will be supplied intel files on the location and objectives.

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This wont be expensive. No more than £30 i would imagine.


Like i said it wont be a full on zombie Apocalypse.

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the Scenario has been written and an intel file has been produced.






YES.........i know there is a typo! M_P sod off!!


I have also done the game plan for the whole night. Just the props and SFX to arrange and its done.

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The site is IronSight in Andover. Its run by Woodlands outdoor leisure, I am one of the Site managers.


the intel file will be provided to both teams. There will be intel drops over the evening with game instructions etc.

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