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Rules on medics

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Hi all,

something that I got confused about with my first experience. Certain times in games when you were being 'medic'd' by being held and counted some of the players I was being treated by would start to count again if they shot back at the opposition side while some would just resume counting once they stopped firing.

Is there an official ruling on this or is it a bit of a grey area?


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Grey area, and one local to your site I'm afraid. Your best bet would be to ask a local marshal. Sites I have played at don't allow the wounded to fire, so each site is different I'm afraid.

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yer, ask for clarification next time you go, at mine its acceptable to fire and medic but most of the time people dont as you should concentrate on killing the enemy as a wounded player an wait. most site rules will be different, theres no official guide lines on how rules for airsoft, they depend on the game played/ weapons used etc.

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My local site is you have to restart the count if you want to engage a player. Also cannot be be revived, or revive someone if you are also under fire.


So you have to relocate to somewhere quiet to do any sort of medic-ing.

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