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I'm not a fan a shields in airsoft. I mean, if it was actually steel so it would be bulletproof, yeah, go on then, the weight will make it such a pain in the arse that people wouldn't be able to overuse it, but a riot shield my arse and when someone rocks up with some painted plywood, I want to hurt them...

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  On 27/10/2013 at 17:21, Ian_Gere said:

I'm not a fan a shields in airsoft. I mean, if it was actually steel so it would be bulletproof, yeah, go on then, the weight will make it such a pain in the arse that people wouldn't be able to overuse it, but a riot shield my arse and when someone rocks up with some painted plywood, I want to hurt them...

I thought there needed to be some compromise, if it was the sites own shield so available for both sides it would have been fair or if the lad could have only used it for one regeneration and then after it was scooped up by a marshal. All that happened was that a lot of player expended a lot of ammo and grenades trying to put one player who barely fired their gun in anger all day.


It was very disappointing when 7 or 8 members of my team refused to play any more because life wasn't fairm

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I just wrote something about how I feel when I can't skirmish due to ill health, but on second thoughts nobody needs to read my morbid preoccupations...

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rage. i became friends with one of my fellow airsofters, when im unable to make it to airsoft due to health work tirdness etc an dhe makes it he says its awsome, when i make it and hes unable to i hear the same things. yet when we both make it it seems noone takes hits, noobs etc. bet you the day you didnt make it it was an awesome day.

as for the riot shield, i think we should make a separate thread to discus it....

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^^Me too :)

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