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planned airsoft, costume and reenactment event in the east of england

adam bussey
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i am currently planning an event in i need to know numbers. there will be a costume/uniform contest judged by a panel (possibly including Warwick Davis) here was some of the ideas https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=5D5ECAA66C87BDA!300&authkey=!AKdcfsz2365Ta7Q

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um.........if i'm honest cant see many airsofters going to what is basically a costume party at a village hall.


My local sites do costume prize at the xmas special events and even that is not massively successful as most people come as action man!


Best of luck to you.

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indeed, while there is superficially a bit of crossover between cosplay and airsoft that's all it really is, superficial. People cosplay to look like their favourite character from whatever anime/game/comic/etc and people dress up as soldiers in airsoft to shoot each other with toy guns.


While there are people who are clearly into both (adam, you're a fine example of that) I can't see that the whole cosplay/costume thing is going to have much uptake from the airsoft community.


Best of luck though!

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I periodically get down to Peterbollox so, if the date coincides with a visit, I'd probably turn up.


I noticed in the .doc that you listed the Key Theatre; do you have a contact in the management, or something like that? Or are you only at the blue sky thinking stage? I ask because, unless you know someone in the world of theatre who can advise you how to get your event tagged into some kind of publicly/charitably funded program of local events, you literally have absolutely no chance on this earth of being able to afford to hire the place.


I'm not volunteering for any role in putting this event on you understand, but if you want me to I can have a word with somebody I know in theatre and see if any contacts or other useful info crops up, OK?

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thanks gere but that won't be necessary because I might just hold it at one of the local town/large village halls

it will mainly be a social event and not to commerce oriented.

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