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Building my first gun

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Hi guys im looking for suggestion on my first gun , i haven't got my ukara yet (keep forgetting) and id rather have something of my own than keep using the sites i go to's guns. Obviously i would have to get it two toned so i dont want to waste money with a metal body , but the log term plan is to upgrade the outside with madbull stuff and do up the inside with upgrades , i want to do this slowly so i know what im' doing rather then going leet pro mlg putting a high speed motor and lip and shredding my piston.

Any suggestions?

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G&G CM16 from zero one (there cheap and free 2 toning) I have the Raider version, same internals, brilliant straight out of the box :)

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Pretty much agree with Spoon.


Except about the Website!


To: OP

UKARA Is NOT a License so if you go play regularly and just join your local site's membership you be ok. Advice is to Keep a Skirmish Diary and have the Head Marshal sign it everytime you go so you have something tangible though!


Let's not turn this thread into a why he can't because it's obvious it will all just be ignored aswell as him sounding unsure as to whether he is a skirmisher (To me atleast)

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Short story is , went to 2 different sites , second site says I need to play 3 games over a period of time which I'm doing when I can.

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