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New site in Andover

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A brand new cqb site based in Andover is opening its doors on the 6th June, 6pm start.

Cost will be £10 per person, with ammo and Pyro etc available on site.

FPS limit: 350.


All are welcome to come and play, and feedback is welcome to improve in the future.

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This event is basically to play for a few hours and then have an open forum to discuss improvements to the site.


The core business is for WAC is laser tag but I will be running airsoft games once/twice a month. Poss an evening and a sunday game.


The costs should be around £20/£25 for a full day and £15 for the evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

is there a website with game days, very interested but it'll be a long trek (115 miles) so a lot of planning may be required.

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There will be. The site is not fully open yet. I will update the facebook page with game dates as soon as i know them



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll be down there this Sunday as well! Would be nice to see a few from the forum

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