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where to buy??

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I am new to all of this but am really keen to buy my first sniper, im looking at the l96 mark 2 with the scope and bipod, so am after any previous experiances you may have had good or bad? also where you would recomend buying from as im finding it impossible at the moment to get one shipped over from the states.


Also my budget is around 100-120 tops if there is anything you think would be better suited??


many thanks

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The main thing, that EVERY poster in this thread will say is:


DO NOT GET A SNIPER RIFLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!111111oneoneone!!!


they are not as good as you may think, in a skirmish you do a lot better and have more fun charging around (or sneaking) with an AEG.


and save up more, you really want another £50 on top of what your budget is to start with a reasonable gun.

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I can only mirror the above 99.9% off the time the newbies end up ethier:


Selling it the week after buying it




Leaveing the sport all together becuase they are bored of sitting there

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thanks for the replies, as im new to this i have been doing hours of research on the net to try and get my head around it all.


But one thing i want to know is, is there a big difference good or bad between spring and gas snipers? power or accuracy wise? and how many shots do you get with a gas gun before it needs reloading and is that something you can do out on the field easily? im asking because from what i can see no one makes the l96 spring version anymore so may get a gas one.


I have also been offered a mp5 sd2 in aeg if theres anything i should know about that gun?


thanks again

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your much better borrowing a sniper rifle later on when you get a bit more experienced. sniping is hard and takes patience and a tad of skill, learn to walk before you run. you never know you may even hate it and thats okay because you've saved yourself £150. :lol:

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again thanks for the replies, ive taken your advive and brought a aeg although not an mp5 instead i went for a sig 552 with silencer and acog sight, looks and feels an amazing gun although obviously i havnt extensivly tried it out yet, any one with any experiance with this weapon?

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