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new G&G guns spotted

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Would the licensing run out after a few years or something? Might give others the chance to purchase it. Are Umarex ans STAR other license holding companies?

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Cybergun should at least say who the original manufacturers of the gun where, it is annoying when you want to know but don't know what upgrades it will take.

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Umarex are, star are pretty much a dead company nowadays, don't think they held any anyway.

ASG have some but they seem to be alright. Kind of like them for some reason :P


various others hold some as well. KWA have LWRC I believe and kiss... oh wait :lol:

Magpul PTS hold a fair few now.

Vfc have kac

IT seems more have some than don't these days :D

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It's because of the recent attempt's to ban Gun's in some countrie's! So the RS guy's had to think of way's to make up for the loss of cash if the bans did go through, Which most of them being about money mean's they go direct to the Manufacturer's rather than getting reduced profit's by having a middle monkey to pay

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