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My first attempt at multicam Paint

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Got my new paints today.....so the AK got yet another new paint job.


I need to get a lighter green and use the dull tan and not white! But quite happy with my first attempt.


Now you see me!!




now you don't!! (well kind of!)



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Nice good job on that. Maybe a little/ overspray on the white colour. I've looked at my multicam strides and my MTP smocks and it looks like and ivory colour. But still looks great for a first attempt well done

Will put up a post on a model forum (kits) to see if I can get multicam colours in hum roll/ Vallejo paints .

If you try another item maybe take afew pics while you do it ??

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I have the right colour for the light ivory/tan but I got too keen and masked the primer and didn't use it!!


The colour i have some are perfect and some are way off. That's why i bought 7 shade so i could try them and get best match.

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Sorry i didn't reply I've moved up a Level on my elevation mask so it's making me even more tired after doing my run's and stuff!


Paint Job look's awesome!

Can't wait to see the Glock done and take it out with me =D

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