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what upgrades?

lil airsofter
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i have recenty got a beta project tactical ak which i think is a good gun but could use a bit better performance in some areas, what would the internet reccomend . p.s. its a close combat woodland setup id like

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internally I would not know, but externally you could have a reflex sight and a fore-grip to help with quick target acquisition.

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Tight bore and new hop, wouldn't have thought it needs anything else

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what hops are good for ak's? theres not many upgrades outside of m4 hops which i assume arent compatiable, and its effective to around 60-70 metres on semi, depends how the hops working

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what hops are good for ak's? theres not many upgrades outside of m4 hops which i assume arent compatiable, and its effective to around 60-70 metres on semi, depends how the hops working

he is talking about the hop up rubber.

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