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Another One?!?!? Sniper Help Please

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I'll keep it short and sweet. Which has better stock performance?


Trying to keep costs down.

It will be a secondary, mainly for the looks for a Russian Loadout, and not much money going into it for a while, hence I was wondering which one had the best stock performance.


A&K SVD: http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/A-K-Dragunov-SVD-airsoft-sniper-rifle-2-Tone_APK5V.aspx#.UTElS6JA2qI




Ares/ASG SVD: http://www.airsoftworld.net/special-offer-two-tone-concern-izhmash-licensed-dragunov-svd-s-airsoft-sniper-rifle-spring.html

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At that price you are not going to get stunning performance. If you read up on some of the other threads about sniper rifles (the SVD is not technically a sniper rifle - it's a designated marksman rifle), you will note that to get good performance you have to spend a lot of money to achieve the range and consistent accuracy that a sniper needs. £600+ is not unusual, although you would be hard pressed to find all the good parts needed to bring an SVD up to the sort of performance you would get from a dedicated sniper rifle. Also, to make it look correct, you need the proper style scope and those run from around £100 upwards for a PSO-1 or POSP.


As regards the two shown, I've had the A&K and at the higher FPS limits (just sub 500FPS) it's quite difficult to keep pulling back the spring to cock it with that short cocking lever. Also, unless you invest in a steel sear, it will start to wear quite quickly and you can lose the ability to cock the gun.


As regards the Iszmash, a mate has one of those (although one with a folding stock) and whilst it is a very well put together gun, it's also closer to the weight of the real SVD, so can get a bit much to carry around all day long.


If you really want a decent sniper rifle, I'd suggest looking at other designs, like an APS2 or L96.

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VSR!!! Accurate out the box, easy to upgrade and is quite light and noob friendly.

Won't be getting super long ranges as its 280fps out the box but one of the best starter snipers.

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Thanks for the reviews guys, I realise it's a DMR technically and I only want it for those silent kills and for my Russian Loadout as I carry a primary anyway, and I am not too bothered about the weight either, I am a rugby player and in the front row, so carrying some extra weight can be classed as a sort of training lol. Just wondering which has the best stock performance.

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I've heard a lot of mixed things about the A&K one so I'd personally side with the Ares in terms of out of the box performance. Despite them having a history of poor quality internals... I think Finius has one, it's either the Ares or the King Arms, I forget which.


I think the A&K might potentially have more upgrade parts available though, so you can probably get the A&K shooting better if you put the time and money into it.

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