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New Pistol for the British Army

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The Gen4 We series isnt too bad. Fires well and is less temperamental in the cold. Still not KWA/TM spec though.


Only problem my mate has come across is that the inner barrel has snapped of and flew 2m after firing :P

He has the G18C though and has dropped it a few times.


I've been told that the new british army glock will be semi tan. not sure if its the lower reciever or the slide though.

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with the police being issued G36Cs and british special forces and police using MP5 series sub machine guns surely H&K would have been a good place to look for a replacement to the browning. I dont think you can go far wrong with the USPs they address all the issues with Glock and Sig Sauer. chambered for 9mm or .40 S&W or .45 you get the stand alone saftey, de-cocking action, SA/DA or DAO, 20mm accessory rail. overlooked?


incidentally, i carry a P226 rail and love it!

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That's a good point.

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Overlooked? Nope, hideously over-priced.


Whilst it's true that one SIG-Sauer P226 is roughly the same cost as two Glock 17s, H&K's USP series is ludicrously expensive - which is why it's limited to small armies (Australia) or specialist units. It's just too expensive to issue in the numbers we require.


As for calibres - both Glock and SIG come in all of those calibres, some SIG-Sauers coming in .357 SIG rounds too. As Britain has never really seen the need in anything bigger than 9mm for regular units, this is a fairly moot point. (However SIG-Sauer's .45ACP version of the P220 however has had some use in specialist units)


H&K, SIG, Ruger, Glock, Browning (and someone else I forget) all took part in the trial, starting way back in 2009. H&K and Ruger were both ruled out pretty quickly, when it was realised that they were so expensive.

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So despite having H&K factories in the UK, it's still cheaper to have guns built in Austria and sent over?


I thought H&K were under the umbrella of BAE? If they still are you'd have thought there'd be some sort of deal to be had or something.

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As Britain has never really seen the need in anything bigger than 9mm for regular units, this is a fairly moot point


That's a good point, since basically the main opposition in the recent wars have mostly been against people in normal clothes. I think even 9mm is OP against cloth!

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(Tariq) only in afghanistan and ireland at best everyone else would have had some type of body armour.


H&K were however they were actually sold off unless the Dimwitted airbrain's decided to buy it back in the last 5- 6 year's i don't think they are BAE Owned anymore

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BAE Systems sold H&K to a group of German business men from 2004-5, after the SA80-A2 project was finished.


However, H&K run/rent the Nottingham Small Arms Factory (formerly BAe - not BAE's Royal Ordnance- Factory Nottingham), and make rifles, carbines, SMGs. As of 2009, the factory definitely didn't make pistols, that being run by one of H&K's German factories. (About 75% of H&K's civilian pistol manufacture takes place in H&K's US factory, unsurprisingly). The factory makes a fair bit - that which isn't needed by the UK is exported elsewhere.

Even if the NSAF did make pistols, it wouldn't be cost efficient to buy them - the fact remains, H&K's pistols are expensive. Add in to the fact that they'd been made in the UK, and the cost would have gone up by about 2/3s.


As for BAE Systems making a deal... The company has earned it's nickname "Big, Awful, Expensive" for a reason :lol: You're far more likely to see MTP come out in luminous pink than see BAE sell kit to the UK Gov for a realistic price.

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Fair enough lol, I'd not heard the nickname before otherwise I wouldn't have said anything haha.

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hmmmmm, a british company manufacturing firearms IN the UK that can't make a deal to supply the british armed forces??? interesting.

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Marksman has just linked me to this via Facebook:



He's away so he can't post it himself.


Might have to get myself one once I've found a decent Glock

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