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Crye Precision - Airframe Helmet

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I'm sure you've all seen these helmets somewhere on the web, and everone probably has their own opinions on it. I just want to know what you guys think of it? Is it the coolest thing you've ever seen? Or is it a little wierd, a little too spartan? (if you can even be too spartan). I personally think they are awsome, and will definately be purchasing somthing very similar (without the huge price tag).


So what do you think?








here's a few links for pictures :)

(i dont own the rights to any of these images)





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TMC make one that's really quite impressive for the price:




I've swapped out a lot of bits on mine but it's one of the few bits of ACM kit I still own. You'll need to check your sizing of course because it's got a very small amount of adjustment but I think they only make the one size.


Review I did of mine a while back:


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I have the ops core fast jump helmet, pretty much the same, you can get the side covers etc for it but its hot enough without that!


I prefer the look of mine, I don't like the way the front and the back are joined with what looks like a seem



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  On 07/12/2012 at 06:35, hprentice said:

I just want to know what you guys think of it?


Is it the coolest thing you've ever seen?


a little too spartan?

1. how do you rest your cheek on the cheek rest while wearing one?


2. no.


3. I think a spartan would have been quite a embarrassed walking around in full bullet/splinterproof.



not sure if i hate it as much as I first though. would make great movie probs if nothing else, but I wouldn't want to wear it.

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The helmet itself looks fine, very similar to MICH 2001 or a fast jump one. However, With me the jury is still out on the "chops". While I do kinda like the old school Greek/Trojan Helmet look to them and having them in a lain colour rather then MC definitely looks better. It does ave quite a futuristic look to it without making the wearer look like a storm trooper. You would definitely need the whole tacticool MC loadout for them to work though.

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Yeah I wouldn't use the actual face protection add-on myself, never going to get a cheek weld like that. The helmet itself is designed in two separate parts for a reason, it increases airflow and helps absorb the blunt force trauma when hit. Obviously the latter part doesn't matter in airsoft, but then plenty of people carry around fake tourniquets/GPSs/armour plates/smoke grenades/plasti-cuffs that are no actual use in skirmishing.

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