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New Review Channel Growing Fast

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i think you are not helping yourself you silly little person ,all you are doing is inviting people to go to your youtube channel so thay can abuse you on a worldwide scale and if you are spamming up other forums then you can expect even more ,sorry about that but all you are doing is p****ng people off . Admin if i have overstepped the mark soz

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It says he only has 1 post, where else has he mentioned the link? Or has another mod cleared them out already or something?


Coop123, although Andy comes across as rather harsh and hateful, what he's said couldn't be more true. If people are looking to buy one of the guns reviewed on the link to the channel you've posted, then they'll find them under their own belt, spamming video review links all over the place isn't going to help, because if people don't want the gun, they aren't going to watch it.


It will just bring you abuse from people who watch it after following the link, who don't want the gun, if they have any slight niggle with the review at all, it's just the way people are online these days.


Spamming links also makes you seem rather illegitimate and "dodgy" so people will automatically avoid you and assumption alone with tarnish your reputation, especially since you're new to the forums and the very first thing you've posted are links. Links that don't even work, I might add. Makes me very edgy about viruses and other such weird online stuff.


Make this the last time you publish the link on these forums.


@Andy, and Craig for that matter, try and tone down the bad vibes in future when replying to things like this, it doesn't help anything. If it's obvious spamming then just inform a mod and don't bother commenting. If it's something like this, then just point people down the right path, we might be misreading this situation completely.

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I deleted his posts earlier but didn't tell him. Thought he might get the point. Obviously not. Hopefully he reads this.


*Flexes admin muscles*


If he is spamming other forums I can add his credentials (IP, email) etc. to a global database so he can't go bothering other websites.


Powers since the redesign and all that :P

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