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BB handgun oor Rifle

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I am new to airsoft and was wondering if you have to have a rifle to play or can you just use a handgun?. I prefer handguns to rifles but was wondering if this is something that is done often?


Any guidance and advice would be greatly appreciated


Thanks :)

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Almost non existent except at CQB sites.

In most cases the internals and barrel length of rifles allow for longer ranges and better accuracy meaning if your using a pistol your at a major disadvantage, especially if you only have semi auto and a limited magazine size. Rifles can have up to a few hundred bb's in a mag whereas even hicap pistol clips only have about 60.


CQB is different however, as many sites don't allow fully automatic and corners make rifles too long to use properly you actually have the advantage BUT, many people there use smaller weapons such as MP5, Mac 10's and other sub machine guns, again giving you problems with the size of your clip.


Summary: Possible but not advised, especially on an outdoor site.

This is also just my opinion, I'm sure other people will weigh in but for starters I'd recommend playing a game with hire guns (rifle etc). You can then see for yourself and make your own decisions.

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great thank for the great advice. Just seems so expensive to hire the kit?? I need to find a good site down in the south east.


Could you suggest a cheap setup for me to start, that wont be too expensive but still keep up with the competition/

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No, Im new myself. Did a fair bit of paintball but not done much airsoft. That having been said I have lots of spare time and have done a lot of research.

And yeah its quite an expensive hobby if im honest :)


Make this your go-to topic: (lots of reading but pretty much everything you'll ever need to know is linked in here)



Places to skirmish at the top, beginners guide will help you on selecting a gun and the price of startup stuff. Then its just a case of deciding what you want and when.

Also check out the uk law section on buying a realistic coloured firearm and the UKARA defence, the last thing you want to do is get everything sorted and decided and find out you need UKARA etc.


Full loadouts can be expensive but there are some good deals and you can always check the gear and kit for sale here to have a look at some 2nd hand offers. Lots of stuff sold is as good as new really, you just have to take a look. :)

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Pistols do work in woodland sites...


But it requires a lot of running, sneaking, flanking and generally having a good pistol with a fair few mags. (and a good shot :P)

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my mp5k out range most m4s at my site, not the £1000+ ones thou:) saying that, sure a pistol barrel vs the one on a sr25 sure there be some difference.


There is no rule that you need a rifle. you can go with only a rubber knife if you please. and yes, rental is expensive, I've never done it myself.



As for pistol, the main disadvantages/ things to think about:

-mostly on gas (more expensive, higher maintenance, goes wrong more often, some gas/guns dont work very well in cold, how do you refill in the field, etc,)

-mag size

-limited full auto capability

-limited optics capability

-no stock to support the weapon on


you can have great fun with pistol only thou, spec on cqb. Althou you might have to get closer, it might be easier wearing less gear etc..

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Best thing to do would to get a nice reliable rifle to start with. If you're into handguns you could think about small arms such as SMGs etc.


Can always get a pistol later on once you're properly into the sport.

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