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Getting back into Airsoft after 18 months.

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Hi, guys.


Just got back from afghanistan and am getting back into Airsoft after over 18months of not playing, so I'm a little rusty and in need of catching up with current trends.


Please be gentle.

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Judging by your profile info you're far more kitted out than most. Maybe have a quick skim through the news section and see if anything catches your eye.


Thanks for your service in the forces :) I hope you made it through your tour(s) without incident.

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Howdy. Where abouts in the SW are you?

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  Airsoft-Ed said:


Judging by your profile info you're far more kitted out than most. Maybe have a quick skim through the news section and see if anything catches your eye. 


Thanks for your service in the forces :) I hope you made it through your tour(s) without incident.


A lot of the kit is from before my break from Airsoft, but I've acquired some good stuff in my absence. A Protech plate carrier for one. With plates.


The tour was busy and unfortunately there were a few incidents. 


  Simon Rees said:
Howdy. Where abouts in the SW are you?


Portsmouth, mate.

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