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reaching 370 fps?

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hey guys im looking to up the power on my aeg but aint got a clue how the spring power ratings work i.e m90 m100 m120 etc so wondering what spring would help push me up towards 370 fps my cm16 is doing 319fps atm, chrono was done over 5 shots on .2's last sunday and has had bout 1000 rounds through it so is all bedded in etc

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Why do you want 370?


320 is a fine fps.

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well the way i play is more of a marksmen role so wanting to up my aeg to my local sites limit for full auto weapons so i can get that extra bit of range when needed i cld go upto 400fps but wld mean locking my aeg to semi and i want to keep the full auto option for when its needed.


pluss if i was to do a spring change ( i will be upgrading to a 6.3 tight bore and a new hop/ rubber aswell ) then i can pop the old spring back in for sites that have a 350fps max on full auto weapons when i visit them i.e f&o's embassey etc

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It's a dangerous game trying to max out the fps for a certain limit. You run the risk of going over and being unable to use it.


I'd aim for about 350 instead. Then you can use barrel bore to up the fps. Just get an M100 and tune everything else to perfection and it shouldn't make a difference.


Use .25 BBs as well, they offer considerably greater accuracy and range. I find that guns shoot the best when they're firing .25s at between 310 and 330fps.


Your biggest issue is that Version 2 gearboxes, which are what M4s have inside them, were designed by Satan, with the idea in mind that they ought to be the most gigantic bastard to dismantle and reassemble out of every other breakdownable object in existence. Which means that taking one apart for the sake of a spring seems a very foolish thing to do.


Theoretically, an M110 ought to get you closest, then a tight bore barrel should close the gap. But you'll probably end up shooting hot. You'll likely need to cut a coil or two off the spring or something in order to get it right. It'll take a lot of repetitive, system of elimination-y-ness, which will be covered with a blanket of malevolent range and frustration until you get it right.


My advise: Leave it as it is, get a 6.01mm tight bore, maybe get a silencer so you can get a longer inner barrel, meaning the air pressure builds up longer to give you greater fps. Get something like a 509mm barrel with a bore of 6.01 and a giant silencer to hide it. Upgrade the hop, get a scope and tune it for use with .25s.


Job done.


Then, if you ever want a standard M4 back, all you have to do is break it open, swap the barrel back to the standard one, which is a 1 minute job at the most and you're ready to go.

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cheers for the info ed i reckon i will go down the route you have suggested and see how close i can get it with the longer tighter barrel will probs get a new air nozzel aswell when i switch out the hop unit as i read that can add a small increase in fps due to better air seals.

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