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Airsoft Double barrel shotgun.

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As far as I know there are only a few double barrel shotguns on the market, and lets face it. They are not very good to skirmish with.


So the other day I looked at airsoft revolvers and how they have removable shells, the BB is held by a ring of tight rubber and they get propelled by gas/air from the back by a reserve/piston in the handle.


This got me thinking. The shells in a certain cheap spring revolver were small enough to fit into a triangle (maybe a square). What if a shotgun shell had the same design. Just a simple tube, with three or four rubber rings side by side that looks like a shotgun shell. These could be placed inside a double barreled airsoft shotgun and then they get fired from a reserve of gas inside stock or handle. Maybe a Co2 cylinder or something. The barrels of the shotgun could have 3 (or 4) inner barrels like a tri shot and the shells have a small guide showing how they go in. (Or possibly no inner barrels at all. Not sure how that would work though.)


Do you think this idea is plausible?

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I suppose it would work...yeah

Would be a pain to keep reloading though, like a revolver.

It would need an inner barrel, even if it is a shotgun, to have some accuracy/range.

Don't ask me though I'm a beginner and I don't know anything about the internal workings of an airsoft gun, I just know there are pistons and gears and motors and sh*t...lol

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Provided you could make it, there's no reason why it wouldn't work.


I imagine the air seal where the barrel's break down would be the hardest thing to do, as well as ensuring the part in the stock where the gas is released lines up perfectly with the shells, that and constructing a firing mechanism.

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Provided you could make it, there's no reason why it wouldn't work.


I imagine the air seal where the barrel's break down would be the hardest thing to do, as well as ensuring the part in the stock where the gas is released lines up perfectly with the shells, that and constructing a firing mechanism.


How hard can it be? Just a few bits of metal, a few inner barrels and a bit of wood work.


The hard part would be the firing mechanism would be the hard part. People do make home made airsoft guns sometimes. So a bit of research may reveal something. As far as I know its just a trigger that opens a valve that lets the gas out. Thus propelling the BB's.

The seal where the barrels break is not too hard I believe. Again its possible to use the same design as a revolver and have a small seal be pushed forward into the barrel from the back like some revolvers do with there shells.

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Unless you have UKARA you'd also have to make this a two tone, otherwise it would count as literally manufacturing a RIF and you would be in breech of the law.


To be honest, it's probably illegal in some way or another anyway, I'm not too well versed with the whole thing.

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Unless you have UKARA you'd also have to make this a two tone, otherwise it would count as literally manufacturing a RIF and you would be in breech of the law.


To be honest, it's probably illegal in some way or another anyway, I'm not too well versed with the whole thing.


Well yes, technically. I have no problem with two tone on airsoft guns. The law in no way shape or form says that we cant make the two tone look good though. ;)

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why don't you instead of using gas from the gun just use the tanaka shells which are allready tried and tested so all you need is the gun to set of the shells correctly so much more practical and realistic


Problem is, they are expensive and from what I have heard, do not work too well. Correct me if I am wrong though.

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lol well they work fine and the price isnt too high for what they do there's no point in having a shotgun that runs off shells where the gas is stored in the gun because then the shells are just for show and the gas in the gun will need to be filled to fire where as if you have the gas in the shell it works of its own power and all you have to do to reload is put in more loaded shells

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lol well they work fine and the price isnt too high for what they do there's no point in having a shotgun that runs off shells where the gas is stored in the gun because then the shells are just for show and the gas in the gun will need to be filled to fire where as if you have the gas in the shell it works of its own power and all you have to do to reload is put in more loaded shells


These could possibly work then. Is that price for one or for 5 (as shown? Im guessing the 5)

Im surprised there's not more people that would think about double barreled shotguns in airsoft. If a reliable company made them I think there would be a fair few buyers. Dont you think?

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