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kimber warrior problems

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right guys i am completely new and hoping to get into airsoft so i have come into some complication and need a little help, any help you can give/ advice would be much appreciated.


so i bought the kimber warrior 10 a couple of days ago, i ordered a big can of kickass gas as i was recomended to do so, now i loaded the magazine filled it with gas and loaded it into the gun cocked it fine started shooting all went well apart from the slide, it says when the mag is empty the slide will stay open now mine doesnt it just stays shut, another thing is when i take the mag out it is ice cold and the more i use it when its cold the more it seems to have problems picking up the bbs or it just missfires,


again i am a newbie and am slightly dissapointed as i only recently purchased this gun.


thanks again guys



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The cold is normal, when gas expands quickly it chills, this is known as cool down and basically will slow down the guns action and performance.

As for the slide not locking back, it could be the slide or slide release has worn down- have a look at both parts for any noticeable wear.

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Let me guess, you bought it from JustBBGuns? As above, the cold is normal. As for the slide not locking, it may be down to lack of lubrication which is slowing the slide down before it cycles fully which may also account for the misfeeding. Learn how to field-strip it and then apply a small amount of white lithium grease to the slide runners. That should sort it out. Try not to coat them in the stuff, it'll do more harm than good.

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  • 3 months later...

I agree whith REMSoft you just have to oil the rails.I bought one a week ago, it did missfire and all that stuff so i just put some silicone oil on it and it worked, just try not to put to mutch oil on or it will get your pistol in a mess...

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I think for the slide staying closed when its supposed to lock back, the tab inside the magazine which pushes the slide catch up is either broke or its getting stuck inside the magazine. A little oil would help that problem, but if it's broke, buy a TM magazine, seeing as they work better.

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