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G&G top tech

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Hi guys, sorry for so many threads !


If possible could people who have had experiences with any g&g top tech gun please say below and tell me a little about it as I like a few of there guns and would just like to know a little about them ! Especially what batterys they take ! So list away guys :)



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As above lol, they're utterly flawless.


The only thing that could make them better is if they had real trades instead of those lame G&G markings.


Luckily my MP5 doesn't have any trades either way :P I have a review up for it in the AEG review section "G&G MP5A4" it takes more or less any battery, the stock has enough room in it to fit a nuclear reactor. Though the most recent G&G Top Tech MP5s have some snazzy hand guard LiPos unique to the G&G, the gun comes with two hand guards, which the batteries are built into and there's a charger included too.


The whole package is upwards of £300 but I'd say it was probably the best MP5 on the market for the price. By a fair way.


The Top Tech line all have blowback too, which is a nice feature. It's not piston driven, battery draining, gearbox destroying, crappy blowback either, in pneumatic, so there's no downfalls of it whatsoever.


I just can't recommend G&G enough.

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I imagine the gearbox in my MP5 is the same as the one in the T4-18, which if I'm thinking of the right gun is a replica of the HK 416, right?


So the performance will be about the same, theoretically, except you'll probably get better range and a higher fps due to the longer barrel.


Honestly though, if you can afford to get a Top Tech gun, I'd say go for it. As above, they're just flawless, out of the box performance is fantastic, my MP5 still doesn't have any upgrades in it at all and I've had it for over a year. That is a true achievement for any gun in my books lol.

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i have got one of these! bought it from pro airsoft supplies!


not going to bore you but it is the best AEG i have ever owned! from stock this will wipe the floor with most other brands out the box, comes with high torque motor and tightbore as standard as well as a decent hop up.


when i got it i knew it would be good but not as good as it was. the range is fantastic too with a good accuracy range of 45+ metres

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I have a G&G Top Tech MP5, definitely recommend.


Mine is completely stock (except downrated to 328fps) and it fires and sounds absolutely amazing.

The range and accuracy of it too is great.

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