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super shooter CNC steel gearset

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just received my super shooter CNC gear set and thought id put up a brief review of what i thought of them


make:super shooter (shs)





To start off they were bought from fire-support for £29 and arrived nicely packaged in lots of bubble wrap. the box as seen above has hard, black styrofoam inside like found inside of king arms boxes. The gears are of an unbelievable quality, especially for the price. They have a very weighty feel to them compared to the standard king arms gearset and are very clean cut. I chose the 18:1 gearset but many more are avalible.


The gears them selves have bearings pressed into the center of the gears with removable shafts (not bevel gear) so despite the weight of them free spin for quite a while. Shims can be placed between the brass shaft and the gear itself on the removable shafts so you dont need to have lots of shims sat on top your bearings/bushings. Even the selector gear's tappet plate pin thingy (sorry forgot the name) has a ball bearing which ive never seen before.

Il add to this thread after ive battered them with a high torque motor and an 11.1 lipo.


One final note is there are two 18:1 SHS cnc steel gearsets for sale on fire-support. one is £27 and one is £29. the only diffence i can tell in the pictures is the one i have (£29) has a gold bevel gear and the other one hasnt. I went for the dearest on the basis of expensive is good.. that and i like gold lol.


over all im giving them a 10/10 as for £29 quid they look better than some £70+ gearsets ive seen. only time will tell but im very happy with them. hope this helps.

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Has anybody else used these gears? Heard any rumours? Any gossip?

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